If you have not considered a visit to a chiropractor, make an appointment. Learn a little about how to prepare for the visit, and what to expect.

3 Tips For Dealing With Sweaty Armpits

19 January 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Sweating is a normal occurrence due to hot weather, exercise, illness, or nervousness. Unfortunately, some people sweat excessively and often without any obvious reason. Many people feel embarrassed because they may frequently have large sweat stains under their arms. There are ways you can help keep your underarms drier and regain your confidence. Wear The Right Antiperspirant You want to make sure any deodorant you choose also contains an antiperspirant, which is the key component to help keep you dry. Read More …

About Me
Back Pain: Easing the Symptoms

Only people who live with constant back pain will understand how my days tend to go. On days when the pain is slight, I can manage pretty well. When it flares up, there is no such thing as a comfortable position. Fortunately, I have found ways to help ease the pain and keep going. A friend recommended that I see a chiropractor. While skeptical, I did find that having an adjustment twice a week does help. I tend to rely less on pain medication than I did before, and there are days when I feel almost normal. If you have not considered a visit to a chiropractor, I suggest that you make an appointment. Let me tell you a little about how to prepare for the visit, and what to expect. You may find that those visits end up making your days much more pleasant.
